Your Letters: Hunt for missing boys, Solihull Hospital and more - The Solihull Observer

Your Letters: Hunt for missing boys, Solihull Hospital and more

I WRITE in reference to your article of Thursday, July 8 (Cash pours in to help dig for historic clues) regarding the volunteer diggers.

As a local resident who lives down the lane in question, I think there is another angle to report on this.

Obviously the situation which brings them to search here is a tragedy but the continued presence is very disruptive to local residents, as well as park users and churchgoers.

Despite requests to park in appropriate areas, they continue to park in and block the narrow lane so traffic can’t get easily in or out.

We haven’t been able to get our bins emptied due to the refuse lorry not being able to get past.

They crowd the lane, leaving plenty of litter, and are often blocking the lane with people who are reluctant to move for passing cars.

I am not the only neighbour intimidated.

They have now moved to dig in Elmdon Nature Reserve.

I noticed they have blocked off public access and I am very concerned about the possible state of the areas abandoned after search and the damage to wildlife, to people walking in the area due to holes and hazards and possibly to private land as they seemingly dig where they please.

I am in contact with the council and Solihull police, neither of which are keen to engage with them much so far.

I am very concerned about the precedence of some officially discredited police source being justification to disrupt our natural area and prevent residents and nature reserve visitors from enjoying the area.

No one should have authority to dig where they please like this.

I wish everyone involved in the search a satisfactory conclusion after so long wondering what happened to those poor boys but I feel if they are to continue digging, it would be preferable if local residents and park users are considered.

SR, Elmdon

I HAVE sent this letter to Julian Knight, MP for Solihull.

My family and I moved into the borough in August 1968, after serving 12 years in the Royal Navy.

We registered at the Hobs Moat Road surgery of Dr Dawson and Cotterill.

Dr Dawson told us of the “fabulous hospital” we have here, and how true it was; after an extensive building programme it became the gemstone of Solihull.

Fast forward some years and look at the situation now.

We have on Lode Lane a First Aid Post, hardly capable of administering a plaster or bandage.

We and you ought to be ashamed of ourselves.

A fantastic borough let down by a poor excuse for a hospital.

I repeat what we locals call it a glorified FIRST AID POST.

I remain a disappointed resident.

D Smallwood, Hobs Moat

REGARDING consultation on changes to constituency boundaries (Solihull Observer).

The best electoral arrangement for Solihull and district is the three constituency model but with voting on the Single Transferable vote system, with electors recording their preferences 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on alongside the candidates.

This would ensure that no vote would be wasted and no candidate elected by a minority of voters.

Electoral reform on the scale of the Great Reform Act of 1832 is a century overdue.

The possibility of the present antiquated, socially divisive and unrepresentative system of electing our MPs being brought up-to-date is as remote as ever.

L King BEM, Chadwick End

IN THE UK, we’re fortunate to have running water at our fingertips and food that can be delivered to our doorsteps. But many of the world’s poorest communities rely entirely on working animals to transport water and provide food, through ploughing and carrying produce to market.

Around the world, more than 200 million working horses, donkeys, camels and elephants do the jobs of trucks, tractors and taxis in developing countries. These animals are a lifeline for poverty-stricken families and ensure basic necessities such as food and water are available.

But all too often, working animals lack the food, water and vital veterinary care they desperately need themselves.

At the animal charity SPANA (the Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad), we are carrying out emergency feeding programmes for malnourished animals and providing free veterinary treatment to working animals in 28 countries.

show Please your support for these hardworking animals by visiting

Dr B Sturgeon, SPANA

THE coronavirus pandemic has been difficult for us all, but it has been particularly challenging for people living with diabetes.

New figures highlighted by Diabetes UK show almost 2.5 million people with diabetes in England did not get all their recommended checks last year.

These checks are essential to reducing the risk of serious complications such as blindness, heart disease, kidney disease, amputations, and poor pregnancy outcomes.

Coronavirus has also highlighted just how serious diabetes is, with sufferers accounting for one in three deaths in England during the first wave of the pandemic.

Diabetes is one of our fastest-growing health crises, with one in 14 people living with diabetes in the UK.

We want to see the government invest more in diabetes care and prevention and as part of our new campaign, Diabetes Is Serious, we are asking people to sign our open letter to Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, to ask him to make sure diabetes is a priority.

To find out more and to sign our letter visit:

P Shorrick, Diabetes UK

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