LETTERS: Your discussion from around the borough in this week's Observer - The Solihull Observer

LETTERS: Your discussion from around the borough in this week's Observer

I read with interest your article on the proposed transfer of the Police and Crime Commissioner powers to the Metro Mayor.

Although you stated that, ‘Residents and organisations can give their views during an eight-week public consultation..’ it was not clear where residents can express their views.

You also state, ‘ Both positions created in recent years under the government’s devolution agenda are directly elected roles, whereby voters have the power to vote incumbents out if they are not happy’.

Later you state, ‘If there is no transfer then voters will face two ballots – one to elect a mayor and one to choose a PCC.

Surely this is what democracy is all about? I would suggest that it has not gone well for us when we have failed to exercise our right to vote.

Stephen Batchelor

Hockley Heath

I was bemused by your report on tree planting in Brueton Park, Observer, 22nd November. The photograph showed councillor Joe Tildesley and MP Julian Knight ‘Tree planting in Brueton Park’.

Neither of them looked ready for work, Councillor Tildesley was wearing a full length overcoat, shirt and tie with a high vis jacket thrown on top. Julian Knight was wearing sunglasses.

Why not photograph those who actually did the work? Mr Knight said, ‘I am very grateful to the Woodland Trust, for gifting me these lovely saplings…’! Hahaha.

Stephen Batchelor

Hockley Heath

The cadets, staff and committee of Shirley & District Sea Cadets would like to thank the visitors and shoppers who visited the ASDA store in Parkgate, Stratford Road, Shirley on Saturday December 1 for their kind generosity in donating funds during a ‘bag-packing’ event on this day.

In total we raised a few pence over £891.60 and 100 per cent will be used to enable cadets to take advantage of offshore training.

In addition we would like to thank ASDA and their Staff for allowing our cadets to participate in this most successful event.

Ken McNally


Shirley & District Sea Cadets

Now Bonfire Night is a distant memory and we’re into December, the countdown to Christmas has well and truly begun.

The festive season is all about generosity and goodwill, but with a shopping list as long as your arm it can be hard to find the spare cash to support a good cause.

But this Christmas, there’s a way of supporting the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) that won’t cost you a penny.

All you need to do is collect used stamps from your cards and parcels and get your friends and family to do the same.

Your old stamps will be recycled and turned into much-needed funds to help the charity continue its great work breaking down the barriers facing people with sight loss across the UK. Isolation, inequality and unemployment are still a fact of life for too many blind and partially sighted people and it’s just not right.

Simply visit www.rnib.org.uk/stamps or call 0345 345 0054 to request your pre-paid envelopes, and then send your stamps to RNIB in the post – it really is that easy!

Today, 250 people will begin to lose their sight. I can only imagine how scary that must be, but thankfully RNIB is there, providing a listening ear as well as practical and emotional support.

Please show your support for RNIB this Christmas and get collecting those stamps!

Thank you.

Jenny Éclair

Comedian, novelist, actress and RNIB supporter

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