LETTERS: Your discussion from across the borough in this week's Observer - The Solihull Observer

LETTERS: Your discussion from across the borough in this week's Observer


An interesting artist’s impression of the future Birmingham International Station in the Observer of 10 May 2018,

Looking at the detail, the vision seems somewhat surreal with little relating to the existing station.

Can we expect cars in the upper concourse, an open roof giving little protection from wind and rain and trains without any overhead electric power wires?

Will trains be only diesel power, or hybrid diesel and battery power (as suggested for London – Bristol) or perhaps in future we can tap into thought power?

I expect the reality to be a little different to the vision.

RS, Solihull

I want to encourage your readers to unite against dementia and take action to fix dementia care in Birmingham and Solihull.

An Alzheimer’s Society investigation has discovered that 50,000 people with dementia were admitted to A&E across the country in the last year, because inadequate social care is leaving them unprotected from falls and infections. This is a 70 per cent increase in the last five years, which tallies with cuts in social care funding.

Successive governments have shirked the issue of our threadbare social care system. People with dementia are now forced to rely on services so starved of funding that they’re unable to protect them from harm and the doors of A&E, let alone provide specialist care and support.

There are 12,595 people over-65 living with dementia in Birmingham and Solihull and this number is expected to rise. The Government must work out how it will deliver high quality social care to everyone with dementia who needs it, and at a fair price.

Find out how you can take a small action to make a big difference and help fix dementia care at www.alzheimers.org.uk/daw.

Janice Le Tellier

Alzheimer’s Society Operations Manager – Birmingham and Solihull

A huge thank you to the all residents of Olton for voting for and electing me as their councillor.

I am incredibly honoured and humbled by the trust that has been placed in me and I can only promise to try to do my best in order to repay your faith in me, and promise to work hard for Olton and its residents. I do not promise to have a magic wand that solves all issues, I can only try to assist where possible.

Again a massive thank you!

I must also pay a huge tribute to John Windmill who has served Olton and Solihull diligently for so many years. He has been a true pillar of our community both in Olton and in Solihull.

He is going to be a tough act to follow! I am sure that all Silhillians will join with me in thanking John for his unstinted service to our town.

Coun Katy Blunt

On behalf of Shirley Lions I would like to thank all those men who came to our prostate cancer testing event on 14th April last.

We were totally overwhelmed by the support we received to the extent that we had to close the doors early and turn away about seventy men.

This was a great disappointment to us as well as those who couldn’t get in. Of the 266 tests that were carried out, 15 have received a “Red” letter advising them to consult their GP’s as soon as possible. Through this we may have saved these men’s lives.

Thanks also go to the team of dedicated phlebotomists who actually take the blood samples.

We are limited in how many tests we can get carried out by the funds we have available from our charity account which has many other calls on it for other worthy causes during the year.

Nevertheless, the good news for those men who were disappointed not to be tested is that we intend to repeat the event next year.

In the meantime we will be doing our usual fundraising to prepare for our follow-up event. Watch out for the date which should be about the same time next year.

Martin Conlon

Shirley Lions

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