LETTERS: Your discussion across the borough from this week's Observer - The Solihull Observer

LETTERS: Your discussion across the borough from this week's Observer


May I, through your newspaper, give my heartfelt thanks to all the people who stopped and helped me when I fell on Sunday 11th February in Miall Park Road at around 2.45pm.

I was working in the area and decided to go for a healthy walk around the block during my breaktime. I was very unlucky to fall, but so lucky that all those people came to my aid. People passing by and nearby residents, who wrapped me in their own coats and brought blankets, tissues and drinks and who phoned the ambulance and waited with me and eventually took me to hospital themselves.

I know the names of only Lynsey and Chloe who stayed with me at hospital but I am aware that there were many more who took so much time and trouble to make sure I was okay. I must also thank staff at the minor injuries department at Solihull Hospital who were so efficient, thorough, reassuring and kind.

People of Solihull are wonderful! I am recovering. Thank you so much.

Julie Davies


I share the outrage of the reader last week who deplored the waste of £12,000 ratepayers’ money on the by-election in Blythe Ward when there are the May elections in only eight week’s time. When Local Government law is reformed I would include a clause requiring the cost of an unnecessary by-election called in these circumstances to be met by the incumbent political party.

The representation of a ward on a borough council should never be the permanent patrimony of any party, to dispose of among its exclusive following, whenever it thinks fit, and at public expense.

Lionel King, Chadwick End

Last week some MPs became quite agitated because a report commissioned by the government had been leaked to the media.

This secret report is apparently so sensitive that the government will only allow MPs to see it under strict supervision. Security officials are preventing MPs taking mobile phones into the reading room in case they take photocopies.

What you may ask could be so sensitive to lead the government to go to such lengths to stop members of the public catching the slightest glimpse of this report?

The leaked report contains damming evidence that the West Midlands will be one of the worst effected regions in the UK following our exit from the EU.

The report predicts that the West Midlands GDP will be up to 13 per cent less over 15 years resulting from our exit from the EU. In other words, fewer jobs and lower income for businesses and workers in our region and even less money for our public services.

This should not come as too much of a surprise to Solihull residents because senior managers of JLR have repeatedly warned that barriers to trade between the UK and the EU will damage their company. This report only confirms what is basic common-sense economics.

So much for those “sunny uplands” we were promised if we leave the EU.

Phil Beyer Solihull

I was pleased to see John Salisbury’s letter last week detailing how yet another unpopular planning decision had been made – luckily in his instance it was later revoked.

His letter said how a decision was reversed because of an existing covenant which allowed only a “sensible” development to be built.

My previous week’s letter about the conversion of a family semi-detached house into six bedsits asked the same of our council planners – why with so much opposition and with such an unpopular proposal do our so-called representatives ignore us and plough ahead anyway?

There is now evidence that planning committee members often abstain from voting which seems like a gross shirking of responsibility to me.

I warn our councillors – do NOT expect to be voted back in at the next election until and unless you represent US – your electorate.

It is YOUR job to take account of existing residents before foisting your plans for new building projects on us!

Be prepared to stand down if you cannot fulfil your earlier pledges to support us!

John Davies


Regarding last week’s letter from J Salisbury. What a shame his experience has been so negative!

How did the planning dept. allow the covenant to be overlooked or totally discarded? Why are they playing with our lives? We work hard to pay out taxes and do not expect such poor redress.

If they are not capable of expected standards in their work maybe they should be asked to vacate and allow competent people to do the job that they can’t…

Well done Dorchester Road residents and shame on the local councillors and useless Solihull planning department!

Angie Mullins


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