Letters: Defending Solihull Hospital and Rose Garden alarm - The Solihull Observer

Letters: Defending Solihull Hospital and Rose Garden alarm

CAN I ask what on earth the council has done to the Rose Garden in Malvern Park?

What was once a beautiful area of blooming roses has been turned into an overgrown wasteland.

Only one rose bush remains standing, in the middle, and the rest is a mess.

Meanwhile the flowerbeds by the top path remain immaculate.

Why has the council allowed such an attractive aspect of the park to go to ruin?

I think an explanation is needed.

R Harrison, Solihull

I WAS more then a little angry to read a letter condemning Solihull Hospital which appeared in your letters page (Solihull Observer).

When this pandemic started no one was prepared for the scale of infection and the impact it was going to have on our health service.

All hospitals across the UK suffered in many ways and services were totally disrupted

Consultant appointments were cancelled as was most surgery because where a hospital had Covid it was unsafe to keep theatres open.

It was decided that Solihull would become what is known as a Clean Hospital, that is Covid free enabling it to open its operating theatres and tackle the back log of surgery waiting to be done, which with a dedicated team of doctors and nurses has been and still is very successful.

Where outpatient clinics could carry on they did ,the remainder transferring to a unit at the NEC.

Parts of the hospital was put into lock down only accessible to staff members to make sure it stayed Covid free.

When possible clinics have reopened using their own entrance/exit doors and as many services as possible are available.

Pop Up theatres have been sited at the back of the hospital to enable more surgery to take place .

Because of this decision the minor injuries unit was closed and anyone needing emergency treatment could still go to Heartland A/E

Things may never be the same and the hospital may return as it was , or become a specialist hospital who knows .

For D Smallwood to make such derogatory remarks about a hospital that has played such an important role in this time of concern and upheaval is appalling and he or she should be ashamed of themselves.

It takes away the dedication and selflessness of all the staff who have worked so hard over the last months to keep services and surgery going.

K Harris, member of staff

I HAVE sent this letter to Julian Knight MP and Solihull’s plannign department.

I wish to object to the proposed telecommunications mast on Haslucks Green Road in Shirley, Solihull.

Proposal: 18.0m Phase 8 monopole C/W wrapround cabinet at base and ancillary works.

I object on the following grounds:

This is being located in a highly populated residential area.

It will de-value property prices located close by.

There is the unproved risk of the radio waves and Wi-Fi transmission, being cancerogenic, to that, there are two schools near by. Namely Haslucks Green School and Burman School.

There will be lots of children and parents walking past this mast every school day.

Businesses opposite to the mast on Haslucks Green Road, this will affect customers. I have spoken with them and they are concerned about there livelihoods should customers will stay away, particularly the local fish and chip shop.

I don’t believe enough thought has gone into this planning of the mast, not enough local residents have been consulted or informed.

I only found out because someone dropped a photocopy of the letter dated June 7, 2021, which the council sent out to the one of the businesses.

My alternative proposal, would be to locate the mast in Shirley park. This would I believe be more amenable to residents overall.

I believe you are locating another telecommunication mast in Tudor Grange park, so why can’t you do the same in Shirley?

J Homans, Shirley

ON average, every year, around 200 young people aged 13-24 from the West Midlands hear the devastating news that they have cancer.

I am a Teenage Cancer Trust nurse who worked with this age group for over 20 years and I have seen first-hand how the right support and care can make such a difference to their happiness and health.

My colleagues at Teenage Cancer Trust – nurses and youth workers within NHS hospitals across the UK – have been working tirelessly to support young people over the course of this pandemic.

All of their work is funded by people like you. And you can help by simply hosting a Great Garden Get-Together for our charity this August. All you need to do is get your loved ones together to have fun and raise money at the same time – and there are plenty of ideas to get you started in our free fundraising pack: www.teenagecancertrust.org/garden

L Soanes, Chief Nurse, Teenage Cancer Trust


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