LETTERS: Brexit, bus timetables, and a career in medicine - The Solihull Observer

LETTERS: Brexit, bus timetables, and a career in medicine

Respect the referendum result to leave the EU but keep Britain open for trade and talent with our European neighbours.

This is the message from Solihull’s newly formed cross-party group of volunteers campaigning for a sensible Brexit that will be good for Britain and the EU.

The group will be launching its first public event in Mell Square at midday on December 9th as part of a nationwide day of activity under the “Open Britain” banner.

The groups aim is to appeal to the majority of people in Solihull who want a sensible Brexit that seeks change and continuity with our European neighbours, not a Brexit of chaos. This can be achieved by retaining our membership of the Single Market and Customs Union.

Phil Beyer Solihull Open Britain

It comes as little surprise to see that bus operators see passengers as the problem to timetables. and that by reducing bus stops will improve schedules, and to be honest it is this thinking that for some insane reason keeps changing bus numbers even running on the same route.

It is the same kind of logic in the council house of narrowing roads to increase traffic flow, and reducing road speed on empty roads to make them safer. For years we have allowed the lunatics to run the asylum and once again we see their thinking, empty buses run on time.

S T Vaughan

Yardley Wood


I am utterly sick and tired of Theresa May and other politicians bleating on about Brexit being what “the British People voted for” and it is the “will of the British People”. Rubbish! The vote to leave was 51.9%, as opposed to the 48.1% to remain, with a turnout of 72.2% of the electorate. Hardly a huge majority!

Thus, I seethe when politicians wilfully ignore the views of a hefty percentage of the population, and Theresa May says she “will not tolerate any block to the democratic wishes of the British People”. Presumably we remainers/non-voters are not classed as “British People” any more.

Some of the time spent on Brexit could have be channelled into sorting out the NHS, Education, Housing and Public Services, so genuinely trying to improve the lives of the” British People”. Oh, and maybe Theresa May’s intolerance level would have extended to an inept and wayward Foreign Secretary!

Wendy Cottrell

12 Waldeve Grove



A new survey conducted amongst senior hospital doctors, GPs, trainees and charity supporters alarmingly finds that two-thirds of respondents would not recommend medicine as a career to their children.

The survey was released by The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund (RMBF), a charity which helps doctors, medical students and their families, as part of their new ‘Together for Doctors’ campaign. Whilst the majority of doctors said that they would still study medicine given their time again, 92% think that working conditions in UK hospitals have deteriorated in the past decade, and 93% are concerned by the number of doctors choosing to leave the profession.

And 93% think that hospital doctors are forced into uncomfortable decisions due to current pressures in the NHS such as discharging patients early to free up beds.

Together for Doctors aims to raise awareness of the need to offer support to doctors who are working under increasing difficulty and scrutiny, as well as encouraging doctors themselves to come forward and seek help when they need it.

To find out more, visit www.rmbf.org.

Professor Dame Parveen Kumar DBE


Royal Medical Benevolent Fund


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