Best political essay topics: From global politics to environmental policies - The Solihull Observer

Best political essay topics: From global politics to environmental policies

Politics is a multifaceted and complex discipline that’s adjacent to many other subjects like sociology, business studies, ecology, education, and healthcare. This means that you can find a ton of interesting topics for your essays by exploring different areas of politics. Whether you’re writing about a historical political figure or covering recent events, this article will hopefully give you some ideas. With that said, let’s dive right in.

Global politics

You can always write about democracy and social media or the role of elections in a specific governmental system. However, global politics might offer you a lot more interesting insights and fascinating journal articles to read. Here are a few examples of interesting themes in this field of politics:

  • How Globalization Changed What We Call National Sovereignty. We certainly haven’t erased the physical and cultural borders between different nations, but Globalization has changed many things about how we perceive those borders. That means national governments now have less power to control the economic processes happening between countries. The positive side of this process is an increase in investment opportunities, but the negative one involves potential difficulties in managing domestic policies.
  • The Political Role of International Organizations: Are United Nations Overestimated? This topic is complex but interesting since there’s no correct answer to this question. You can explore the cases where international organizations have helped restore justice or reduce specific political risks. Nevertheless, you can also find many opinions that the UN has been doing a very poor job of peacekeeping, existing as an arena for numerous debates that have led nowhere. Such thoughts are usually based on specific facts as well, so you’ll have to produce a balanced analysis.
  • Which of the World’s Political Systems Has Protected the LGBTQ+ Rights Most Effectively? This is an interesting topic for a comparative political essay. The laws aren’t identical in most countries, so even very similar systems will provide you with interesting materials. You can also review the legislation of the countries that oppress the LGBTQ+ to provide a broader context about the issues connected to this specific group. One of the good strategies is to use global statistics of same-sex marriages to understand how the acceptance of LGBTQ+ can gradually happen in terms of laws.

Social justice

This category of topics often raises poignant but crucial questions which are never easy to answer. If you struggle with your paper, remember you’re not alone, and you can always ask for assistance. Specifically, online services like can provide you with a sample paper on any topic. With that said, here are some of the most interesting themes in social justice you might want to explore.

Systemic Issues behind Police Brutality. Although this fact isn’t easy to accept, we know that police brutality doesn’t happen without political influences. Specifically, there are usually imperfections in the legal system where such situations happen, and you can research those flaws to see how the legislators can help the current situation. The best writing strategy here is to choose a few real-life cases as examples and analyze them.

How the American Political System Ensures Racial Equality. This topic is pretty self-explanatory, and you can approach it in two different ways. The first one is to review the history of American legislation from the times of racial segregation until today. That way, you can show the progress this country has made in embracing diversity. The second approach is to focus on the recent court cases that involve racism and see how modern law has aided the judge and the jury in delivering justice.

Political Issues that Hinder Gender Equality. There are quite a few problems that prevent modern society from becoming completely fair towards both men and women. Not surprisingly, most of them involve the way in which politics and society interact. You can use this topic to discuss how some politicians aren’t willing to embrace changes and how this issue reflects on people’s daily lives.

Environmental politics

Aside from social policies, there are always pressing matters in the environmental field. If you’re writing about different businesses’ impact on ecology, you might need to know how to write a SWOT analysis paper. As long as you research and develop your case, you’ll eventually create a persuasive political essay, and here are some ideas to help you find inspiration.

  • Can Political Decisions Save the Planet through Environmental Conservation? This is an essential question, as many nations are trying to find a way to overcome the pollution that modern civilization produces. Try to compare the effectiveness of different laws that have already been implemented to solve this issue and draw your own conclusions.
  • Preserving Economic Growth without Damaging the Environment. Politics is often about balance, so it’s obvious that governments don’t want to ruin businesses and slow down progress in the name of ecology. You can discover how different political systems are trying to find the balance between these two aspects of our lives and get relevant examples from the recently implemented practices throughout the world.
  • How Political Innovations Can Help Battle Water Scarcity. It goes without saying that every person on Earth should have enough water to drink, yet this isn’t the case yet. You can search for the answer to why things are this way and try coming up with your own political strategy to solve the water crises that are currently happening in many countries worldwide. Your paper can focus on the funding issues, the role of private organizations, or the general policies on water availability.

Politics and education

This is another set of poignant but interesting topics. After all, education can define someone’s life, so it’s only natural that there are so many political clashes and discussions around this aspect of life. The topics below are just several examples of the matters you can discuss in your essay, and hopefully, they can inspire you.

How Education Can Improve Democracy by Creating Informed Citizens. We often hear someone say something like, “We have democracy, so we choose our own quality of life!” This statement is only partially correct, but nobody can argue with the fact that aware and educated citizens will make informed choices during elections. That’s why so many countries emphasize the importance of opening more schools and making higher education as accessible as possible. With a bit of research, you can definitely write an interesting essay about this.

Political Controversies in Funding Education. There are quite a few issues with how politicians distribute financial means, including corruption and unfair budgeting. You can look up several real-life cases and discuss one of them in detail or focus on the broader issues. Once again, you can contrast the present and the past, drawing conclusions about how things have changed and what we still have to improve today.

Political Correctness in Class and on Campus. This topic will never lose relevance since people are becoming more and more vocal about the incidents that happen due to a lack of inclusiveness and acceptance. The first ones to suffer are the people from racial minorities, the LGBTQ+ people, and the differently-abled individuals. You can research the means of raising awareness and the legislation that could help prevent the violation of such people’s rights.

Politics and healthcare

It won’t be an exaggeration to say that health is one of the foundations for a happy and fair society. That’s why this theme will always be relevant, and you can come up with tons of ideas about it. Here are a few topics you can start with to write your own perfect essay:

  • How Individual Rights Interact with Vaccination Policies. We’ve all felt how poignant it can be when our lives depend on whether we get a shot of vaccine and how it may seem that our rights don’t matter in such situations. You can discuss the controversies that stem from the COVID-19 pandemic or try finding more similar clashes between the legislation and people’s preferences in the medical field.
  • Political Priorities in the Field of Mental Health. Psychology is one of the “youngest” medical sciences, and it follows that the mental health sphere has only been established recently. Correspondingly, the legislation must ensure that all citizens have equal access to the services of psychologists and psychiatrists, as well as all the necessary medications. What would you improve about the current political system, and what issues are we facing? There’s a lot to discuss.
  • How the Pharmaceutical Industry Influences Healthcare Policies. Many people will associate this topic with numerous conspiracy theories that state that the government wants to sell its citizens as many pills as possible, and it’s all the politicians care about. You can discuss the changes to the current system that will increase citizens’ trust in the medical industry. After all, the more people rely on doctors, the more chances there are that they’ll get timely help with their illnesses. Another aspect of this topic involves the legislation that controls the pharmaceutical industry, the quality of supplements, and the distribution of prescription drugs.

Pick your favorite topic and enjoy writing!

It goes without saying that you can always take any topic that interests you from the list above and create your own custom version of it. As soon as you figure out in which direction you want to go with your essay, you can sit down to write an outline and the first draft. Aside from the new knowledge you gain during research, it’s important to enjoy the process of creating your paper. We wish you the best of luck on your journey to the perfect political essay!


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